Curious about what Students4Sustainability is doing now? Look at the news overview! Here are all the project updates, planned events and much more!
All News
Pokot Community Centre | Contract signed!
June 7, 2012 Project news -
Biosense | works towards a finished product
June 6, 2012 Project news -
Bio Solutions | Stays longer
June 6, 2012 Project news -
Bio Solutions | looks further
May 24, 2012 Project news -
Realize | Rail service great success
May 23, 2012 Project news -
RIWIK 2.0 | Back again
May 15, 2012 Project news -
Biosense | Back in the Netherlands
May 3, 2012 Project news -
RIWIK 2.0 | Almost over
May 3, 2012 Project news -
Biosense | update
March 27, 2012 Project news