Location: Guatamala | |

Quantum Energy is a group of like-minded individuals to create clean energy technological solutions that respond to fundamental needs and improve the quality of life of people living in poverty. Although there are plenty of technologies available, very few offer high quality at an affordable cost. Thus, we aim to develop affordable, high-quality technologies, which are culturally and socially acceptable to people living in poverty.

Our first product will address the basic needs of lighting for more than 1 billion people who still do not have access to electricity. Of these, 84% resides in the rural world. Even people living in developing nations with established electric grids are the victims of light poverty due to unreliable power and frequent blackouts. Thus, these communities are often forced to use unsafe and pricey candles and kerosene lamps. Use of such lighting worldwide emits nearly 180 million tons of CO2 equivalent emissions per annum. As per WHO it has been estimated that the fumes generated by these are equivalent to smoking to 20 cigarettes per day. Use of such primitive sources of light claims the lives of nearly 1.5 million people every year due to respiratory diseases and fires.

As a first product from Quantum, we are developing a smart kettle called GETI for boiling water which harvests waste heat from a cookstove and generates clean electricity enough to light a room and charge mobile phones for less money than candles and/or kerosene lamps, without pollution, in a clean, sustainable and culturally feasible manner. Aside from clean lighting, it will also provide its consumers with clean drinking water (free from harmful pathogens). GETI has been strategically designed to fit in the cultural needs of the people as they are already using vessels for boiling their water. Simply put GETI on top of a cook stove, and it will start generating electricity within seconds. Electricity is generated with the help of thermoelectric generators. The power generated gets stored in an attached battery which in turn lights the LEDs and charge the mobile phones.

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