Water resilient greenport RRM

Location: Ricanau Mofo, Suriname |

One of our goals was the construction of riverbank protection. Actually achieving this structure can activate the residents of Ricanau Mofo to engage in addressing riverbank erosion themselves. We have placed mangrove plants behind the protective barriers and planted coconut palms along the riverbank, creating a natural solution. These plants will firmly hold the soil and gradually take over the function of the barriers. Furthermore, information boards have been set up presenting our recommendations in both Dutch and Aukan.

Our end result includes a series of products to ensure the continuity of this project, such as reporting for TU Delft, a business case for submission to international funds, a contact list to facilitate follow-up, and a database containing tidal measurements, flow data, and soil profiles.




What a fantastic conclusion to 10 weeks in Suriname!

One of our goals was the construction of riverbank protection. The actual implementation of this structure can motivate Ricanau Mofo residents to tackle riverbank erosion themselves. We planted mangrove trees behind the protective barriers and coconut palms along the riverbank, creating a natural solution. These plants will firmly hold the ground and gradually take over the function of the barriers, naturally retaining sediment during heavy rainfall and preventing further erosion. Information boards in both Dutch and Aukaans present our recommendations for future plans.

Our final result includes various products to ensure project continuity, such as reports for TU Delft, a business case for international fund submissions, a contact list for follow-up, and a database with tide measurements, flow data, and soil profiles.

On November 6, 2023, we concluded with a final presentation in Suriname for 40 guests! Various parties, including ministries and knowledge institutions, shared insights and learned from each other’s experiences. We're immensely proud of our achievement, recognizing the need for further steps to support Ricanau Mofo and enhance its living environment.

We extend gratitude to our partners, including the Ricanau Economic Development Foundation Ricanau Mofo (Albert and Rudi), for guiding us during our 10 weeks in Suriname. Special thanks to FAST University Fund TU Delft, TU Delft | Global Initiative, and Students4Sustainability for their financial support.

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