Movie Night: How To Blow Up a Pipeline

Starts on: December 6, 2023 - 9:30 PM

At the end of November the Movie Night will once again be organized, it will be a relaxed night where you will be stimulated to think critically about the world and afterwards you will have the opportunity to discuss the movie with others. We will show the movie "How to Blow Up a Pipeline" in Film House Lumen.

The movie is directed by Daniel Goldhaber, a young director that became known for his movie "Cam" and in 2022 he released the movie "How to Blow Up a Pipeline". This eco-thriller is based on a book of the same name written by Andreas Malm and features the climate activist Xochitl (played by Ariele Barer), she has recently become an orphan after an extreme heatwave her her mother's life. Frustrated that her activism has so little effect, she turns to more extreme forms of climate activism. Together with others she makes a plan to let their protests have more impact: blowing up an oil pipeline in West-Texas.

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