Energy for Refugees

Location: Antakya, Turkey |

Energy for Refugees is a non-governmental organization based in Delft, Netherlands. Our mission is to alleviate energy poverty among individuals seeking asylum and shelter by employing renewable energy technologies. Annually, we undertake projects at selected locations, aiming to address the energy needs of the residents.

The 2024 project will address the energy and educational needs of Bohsin-Iman-Hatip Middle School in Antakya, Turkey, which suffered a devastating earthquake on February 6th, 2023. Slow rebuilding efforts and daily energy deficiencies, resulting in hours-long outages, have intensified the community's challenges. The school with over 1500 students is located approximately two hours away from Aleppo. Many of these students are Syrian refugees. Our proposed solution combines integrated solar panels featuring PV modules, an inverter, and a battery for stable electricity. Our objective extends beyond infrastructure; we aspire to educate and empower the community in implementing a sustainable energy system.

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